About Us
How We Work
The Partnership for a Healthy Ventura County is a coalition that includes representatives from Ventura County Public Health, First 5 Ventura County, community organizations, direct health service providers, food security organizations, schools, local area businesses, and government agencies. We come together to share resources and promote policies and services for the sake of a healthy Ventura County. Our current strategic initiatives include:
Committee Work
Through its five working committees the HVC Partnership hosts trainings and events throughout the year for health care professionals, employers, teachers, parents, community leaders and seniors to learn about select health and activity related topics.
Health Champion Awards
Each March during National Nutrition Month, the HVC Partnership honors selected organizational and community leaders for their contributions to healthy eating and active living through its Community Health Champions Award issued.
A Partnership for Health
Individually and collectively the more than 100 PHVC members are driving healthy change in our communities through a wide range of projects and programs such as healthy school lunches and fundraisers, farmer’s markets/farm to school programs, community gardens, breastfeeding support and education, neighborhood walking groups, recreational activities for seniors, work with physicians and clinics to support weight management and healthy eating, tobacco cessation, workplace wellness trainings and resources, social media and website outreach and policy research. Through their participation in the PHVC , organizations and individuals across the county can share knowledge and resources, helping to build a healthy Ventura County.
West Ventura HEAL Zone
The Partnership for a Healthy Ventura County was one of nine regional partnerships invited to apply for a HEAL Zone Initiative grant through the Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region. This funding was designed to transform a mid-sized, underserved community with high obesity rates through policy, education/promotion and environment change so that residents “eat better and move more as part of daily life.”
The $1 million was awarded in December to the HVC Partnership/Ventura County Public Health to develop the West Ventura HEAL Zone. The grant extends for a period of three years and nine months, through September 2015.
First 5 Ventura County is one of 14 organizations that make up the newly formed Healthy West Ventura Collaborative, a committee within the HVC Partnership, which will work closely with West Ventura residents to assess community gaps and design and implement grant activities. Other members includes:
- Boys and Girls Club of Ventura
- City of Ventura
- City of Ventura, Parks and Recreation Department
- FOOD Share
- Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura
- Landon Pediatric Foundation
- Pacific Camps
- Partnership for Safe Families and Communities of Ventura County
- Ventura County Public Health
- Ventura Police Department
- Ventura Unified School District
- Westside Community Council