Advocates for a Lifestyle of Exercise and Nutrition (A LEAN VC) is a partnership driven network that includes representatives from Ventura County Public Health, community organizations, direct health service providers, food security organizations, schools, local area businesses, and government agencies. We come together to share resources and promote policies and services for the sake of a healthy Ventura County. A LEAN VC produced the Healthy Ventura County website to support healthy eating and active living of Ventura County residents.


Our Mission
A LEAN VC promotes community activities, policies and environmental changes that foster healthy eating and regular physical activity to counter obesity and its related chronic diseases.

Our Goal
Ventura County residents will engage in a lifestyle of healthy eating and regular physical activity.

What We Do
• Address health issues with a collective voice
• Provide forums and/or trainings related to nutrition and physical health
• Help local organizations develop wellness policies
• Provide local resources for Ventura County residents
• Collaborate and network concerning community health and wellness
• Act as a resource to assist partners in maximizing efforts and reducing duplication of efforts

A LEAN VC Strategic Committees

• Healthy Families and Communities
• Coordinated School Health K-12
• Healthy Living Initiative for Individuals 55+
• Workplace Wellness
• Health Care
• Policy and the Built Environment

Join Us

A LEAN VC Meets the 1st Thursday of the Month from 9-10:30 am at the Public Health Administration Building on 2240 E. Gonzales Blvd, Suite 200, Oxnard, CA 93060.

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